Have you ever thought about the packaging your eggs sit in when you pick them up off the shelf? On average, each household buy 52 egg boxes each year and there’s nothing worse than getting home and finding your eggs scrambled (pardon the pun)!
As egg packers ourselves, we understand our product and packaging needs. Keeping our eggs safe and secure is one of our biggest responsibilities. We sell over 2 million eggs a week and need to make sure they arrive safely. Our product can be so easily broken and yes, we do have a fair few breakages in the factory along the way!
The importance of standing out on the shelf next to all the other brands is also really important to us. Did you know customers will pass approximately 600 products when shopping every minute? - wow! Eye level is buy level after all ;).
We’ve decided to feature some of the craziest and funniest egg packaging designs we could find to show how perfect and reliable the traditional cardboard egg box is.
We’ve found some brilliant examples that definitely look the part but not all that practical, see what you think for yourself.