How Many Eggs Should I Be Eating?

Previously slated for their high cholesterol content, eggs are now making a bit of a comeback. As one of the the most nutritious foods on the planet we're going to clear up a few cholesterol myths so you can enjoy the natural protein powerhouses guilt free.

What is cholesterol? 

The word cholesterol instantly has most peoples minds churning with worries of heart attacks and strokes, but in reality cholesterol is an essential addition to our diet. Cholesterol is required for the production of steroid hormones like testosterone, estrogen and cortisol as well as being a valuable part of each and every cell membrane in your body. Simply, without cholesterol we wouldn’t exist. 

One single egg contains 62% of your recommended daily cholesterol allowance but the effect of egg consumption on your cholesterol levels is minimal when compared to the effect of saturated fats and trans-fats. Additionally, with the array of health benefits and nutrients found in eggs, they are ideal addition to a healthy balanced diet. 

How many eggs should I eat?

Although there is no official recommended limit on how many eggs we should be eating daily, studies show that it is perfectly safe for you to eat up to 3 eggs per day. 

Most healthy people can eat up to 3 eggs a day and see no increase in their risk of heart disease. However, those with diabetes, existing high cholesterol or a heart condition should monitor their egg consumption as they can potentially pose as a health risk.

The Benefits of Breakfast

“Breakfast like a King, lunch like a Prince and dine like a pauper”.  


Not a breakfast person? We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day but have you ever thought why? Below we’ve shared just a handful of facts about how breakfast can benefit you and your family.

  • Breakfast can help with weight control. There’s more chance that you will start reaching for high calorie snacks mid morning if you skip breakfast and even studies have found that obesity levels are higher in people who skip the first meal of the day. 
  • Breakfast restores glucose levels after an overnight fast which are essential for brain function.
  • Breakfast improves mood and lowers stress levels.
  • You will have more strength and endurance throughout the day.
  • Cholesterol levels can be reduced from simply enjoying a morning meal.
  •  To receive the full benefits of your morning meal try and eat within two hours of waking
  • Eating breakfast is important for everyone but it’s vital for children and teenagers for them to perform better in school and develop healthy relationships with food.

    What should you have for breakfast?
    When it comes to planning your breakfasts, try and stay away from high calorie and sugary foods and aim for whole grains and eggs. Eggs may not have always had the best reputation for being a healthy food but they actually contain some of the highest-quality protein. 
    If you struggle for time in a morning to sit down and enjoy breakfast don’t worry, there are plenty of nutritional foods you can grab on the go all it takes is a little preparation. 

The Surprising Beauty Benefits of Eggs

Not only are eggs a tasty and nutritious food but the yolk, whites and even the shell have amazing qualities to bring to your natural beauty and haircare regime.  

  • Egg hair mask 
    Egg is one of the best all-natural, moisture rich conditioners for your hair due to their great vitamin A content. Also, the proteins found in eggs are very similar to those found in our hair, making eggs an unrivalled ingredient in conditioning and strengthening hair masks. 

    Take one or two eggs, depending on the thickness and length of your hair, and whisk - feel free to add a couple drops of lemon or scented oil if you’re worried about the smell of the eggs! Completely cover your hair with the eggs and cover with a shower cap, then leave for 15-20 minutes. When you’re ready, rinse you hair well with cold water and wash using a gentle shampoo. Dry and style your locks as you normally would and you’ll be left with full and moisturised tresses. 
    This treatment is kind to the hair and can be used as often as you please. 
  • Teeth whitening with eggshells
    Don’t throw out your eggshells from your hardboiled eggs, put them aside and leave them to dry out, they’ll soon become a natural teeth whitening remedy. 

    Simply take the dry eggshells and blend the egg shells until they’re reduced down to a fine powder. Sprinkle the powder on top of your everyday toothpaste and gently brush your teeth as normal, as eggshells are a natural source of calcium the eggshell powder will help not only reduce staining but will also result in stronger and healthier teeth. 

  • Anti ageing with egg whites
    Egg whites are made up of complex proteins that help strengthen the skin and even out skin tone. They’re also used frequently as an anti ageing treatment, with their high protein and vitamin content they can help smooth away wrinkles and fine lines as well as tighten pores.

    For a great exfoliating and skin tightening treatment mix together one egg white with a spoonful of natural yoghurt and a generous pinch of brown sugar. Apply the mask to your face and neck and gently massage into the skin for 10 minutes. Allow the treatment to rest on your skin for another 10 minutes and then wash away with cool water.